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Agency Visit

Tyler and I just met with Eric from Our Community Place (OCP), a local homeless resource center. This was our first face-to-face meeting with the staff of OCP. We met at their recently opened restaurant, which is open on Fridays in the OCP facility and is run by volunteer staff as well as members in the OCP program. Eric is the Administrative Advisor, is one of five staff members for OCP, and the nominated grant writer for the nonprofit. Tyler and I met with Eric for roughly an hour in the restaurant and over a St. Patrick’s day themed meal talked about the mission of OCP, what they need and have, what activities they offer, and how many people typically come to their programs. This meeting was more of an initial “get to know you” meeting, put faces to names, and talk about what the deadlines for the grant writing process need to be. We left OCP with the intention of meeting again face to face in two weeks. We also are going to send them a firm list of dates for future deadlines!

It was really awesome getting to see OCP in action during our meeting with Eric. It was evident to see his heart in the mission and it was also really unique to witness the organization thriving during our meeting. Overall, Tyler and I had a really great visit and we’re very excited to work with Eric and OCP in the upcoming weeks!

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