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The Final Stretch

With just over a week until the grants are due, we are working hard to finish our grants. As we work on the grant, it is easy to see where there is work still needed to be done and areas that need more detail. Currently the five page limit is not causing us difficulties but we began the grant with the limit in mind and limited certain areas knowing we could go back to them if we had enough room left at the end. For our grant, we are trying to set a goal of having the whole grant done by the fifth so that we have plenty of time to edit it.

After we are done editing it, our contact person at the foundation has to take it to the executive director for review. The executive director will then give his feedback on anything that he or she thinks that needs to be changed. After we make any of these change, the grant will be ready for submission. The deadline is fast approaching, and I am beginning to feel the pressure to finish it so we have more time for it to be polished. At the beginning of the process five pages did not seem like a lot but now that we are actually typing it out and constructing it I understand why people take so long when writing grants.

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